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2019-05-10 20:00:54


江南古镇:乌镇介绍CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
中国乌镇CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
乌镇,位于浙江省嘉兴市桐乡,地处江浙沪“金三角”之地、杭嘉湖平原腹地,距杭州、苏州均为60公里,距上海106公里。属太湖流域水系,河流纵横交织,京杭大运河依镇而过。CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
乌镇拥有7000多年文明史和1300年建镇史。据乌镇近郊的谭家湾古文化遗址考证表明,大约在7000年前,乌镇的先民就在这一带繁衍生息了。乌镇古名乌墩、乌戍。从地理、历史、典故都可找到相关记载,1950年,乌、青两镇合并后称乌镇至今。CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
 Wuzhen is a historic scenic town, part ofTongxiang, located in northern Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China. It lies within the triangle formed by Hangzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai. Covering an area of 71.19 km2 (27.49 sq mi), Wuzhen has a total population is 60,000 of which 12,000 are permanent residents.CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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  Bridge within a BridgeCFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
  The "Bridge within a Bridge" is a scenic attraction created by two ancient bridges, the Tongji Bridge which crosses the river from east to west and the Renji Bridge running from south to north that joins the former at one end. Either of two bridges can be seen through the arch of the other, hence the name. Having been rebuilt five times, Tongji Bridge is a 28.4 metres (93 ft) and 3.5 metres (11 ft) one-curvature arch bridge, with a span of 11.8 metres (39 ft). Renji Bridge, which has also undergone repairs during its history, has a length of 22.6 metres (74 ft), a width of 2.8 metres (9.2 ft) and a span of 8.5 metres (28 ft).CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
  Demonstration in the traditional workshops district display traditional crafts as the printing and dyeing of blue printed fabrics, the primitive techniques of cloth shoe making and tobacco-planing. Visitors may operate the machines to get an idea of how the original work was carried out over 200 years ago. The local houses here are decorated with carved wooden and stone doors and windows.CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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  Fanglu Pavilion (Pavilion of Visits to Lu)CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
  The Fanglu Pavilion obtained its name from an accidental meeting between Lu Tong, the owner, and Lu Yu, the Patron Saint of Tea, during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It is said that Lu Yu once mistakenly ate some poisonous leaves and was rescued by Lu Tong, who happened to collect tea leaves at that time. In return, Lu Yun taught Lu Tong knowledge of tea and tea-making skills, which resulted in the prosperity of Lu Tong's teahouse. At the suggestion of one guest, Lu Tong changed the establishment's name to the Pavilion of Visits to Lu, in memory of this respected scholar. Located to the south of Ying Bridge and backing onto the city river, the teahouse enjoys a broad view of Guanqian Street.CFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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  Town layoutCFo新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
  Wuzhen is divided into six districts. These are: the traditional workshops district, the traditional local-styled dwelling houses district, the traditional culture district, the traditional food and beverage district, the traditional shops and stores district, and the water township customs and life district. Following an east-west-east circuit created by these six districts, visitors can witness reenactment of traditional practices and cultures.
