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中华豪门—江南古镇—乌镇 (中英文介绍)

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中华豪门—江南古镇—乌镇 qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
乌镇,位于浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市。它是一个千年古镇,也是首批中国历史文化名镇之一。乌镇古镇坐落于京杭大运河畔,是一个历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚、风景秀丽、旅游资源丰富的著名旅游胜地。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

Wuzhen is located in Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. It is a thousand year old town and one of the first batch of famous History of China and culture towns.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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乌镇由东栅、西栅两个部分组成,古建筑群体布局密集,充满了浓郁的江南水乡特色。乌镇的古建筑和运河交相辉映,镇中古镇古街、青石板路、显著的入口式建筑都显现了古镇的独特风貌。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

Wuzhen is composed of two parts: Dongzha and Xizha, with a dense layout of ancient architectural groups and rich Jiangnan water town characteristics. The ancient buildings and canals of Wuzhen complement each other, and the ancient streets, bluestone roads...qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

在这里,每一条道路,每一间房子都带着印记,都散发着浓郁的历史气息,让人仿佛穿越到古代,在时间长河中感受到深厚的文化的底蕴。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

Here, every road and every house carries a mark and exudes a rich historical atmosphere, making people feel like they have traveled through ancient times and experienced the profound cultural heritage over time.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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乌镇的建筑主要是明清时期的砖木结构。截至目前,已保存了20多万平方米的明清建筑。大量的深屋是老商人的巨大财富和隐藏的官员世界。从一个不起眼的大门,它是走廊和礼堂的迷宫。梁祝门窗上的石雕,砖雕和木雕精美而富丽堂皇。建筑物的屋顶有一个独特的观音口袋,马头壁,既防火又防风,像天空中的五座山,左右对称,高而危险的美。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

The buildings in Wuzhen are mainly made of brick and wood structures from the Ming and Qing dynasties. As of now, over 200000 square meters of Ming and Qing architecture have been preserved. A large number of deep houses are the great wealth of old merchants and a hidden world of officials.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

乌镇以河成街,街桥相连,依河筑屋,水镇一体,组织起水阁、桥梁、石板巷、茅盾故居等独具江南韵味的建筑因素,体现了“以和为美”、自然环境和人文环境和谐相处的整体美,呈现江南水乡古镇的空间魅力。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

Wuzhen is a street formed by the river, connected by streets and bridges, built by the river, and integrated with water town. It organizes architectural factors with unique Jiangnan flavor, such as water pavilion, bridge, flagstone lane, Mao Dun's former residence.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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乌镇历史渊源流长,根据镇东“谭家湾古文化遗址”出土的陶器、石器、骨器、兽骨等的鉴定,该处属于马家浜文化类型,处于新石器时代。可见,六千多年前,乌镇的祖先繁衍、生息在这里。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

Wuzhen has a long history. According to the identification of pottery, stone tools, bone tools, animal bones, etc. unearthed from the "Tanjiawan Ancient Cultural Site" in Zhendong, it belongs to the Majiabang culture type and is in the Neolithic.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

春秋时期,乌镇是吴越边境,吴国在此驻兵以防备越国,“乌戍”就由此而来。唐之后,乌镇没有再称“乌戍”的史实。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

During the Spring and Autumn period, Wuzhen was the border of Wu and Yue, and the State of Wu stationed troops here to guard against the State of Yue, hence the "Wu garrison". After the Tang Dynasty, Wuzhen was no longer known as "Wushu" in history.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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秦时,乌镇属会稽郡,以车溪为界,西为乌墩,属乌程县,东为青墩,属由拳县,乌镇分而治之的局面由此开始。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

In the Qin Dynasty, Wuzhen belonged to Kuaiji Commandery, bounded by Chexi, Wudun to the west, Wucheng County to the east, Qingdun County to the east, and Quan County to the east. From then on, Wuzhen was divided and governed.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

唐时,乌镇隶属苏州府。唐咸通十三年(公元872)的《索靖明王庙碑》首次出现“乌镇”的称呼,这一时期的另一块碑《光福教寺碑》中则有“乌青镇”的称呼。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

During the Tang Dynasty, Wuzhen was under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Prefecture. In the 13th year of the Xiantong reign of the Tang Dynasty (872 AD), the term "Wuzhen" first appeared in the "Suojing Mingwang Temple Stele".qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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大唐时期,乌镇隶属于苏州府。公元872年,索靖明王庙碑上首次出现“乌镇”的称呼。这一时期的另一通碑就是光福教寺碑上的刻有“乌青镇”的称呼,乌镇称“镇”的历史可能由此开始。当时,镇地置有镇遏使的官职。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

During the Tang Dynasty, Wuzhen was under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Prefecture. In 872 AD, the term "Wuzhen" first appeared on the monument of the Ming King Temple in Suojing.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

公元1078年,史料上已经有关于乌墩镇和青墩镇的记载。南宋宋光宗名为赵惇,为避光宗讳,乌墩镇、青墩镇就改称乌镇、青镇。新中国成立后,乌镇、青镇两镇合并,合称乌镇,直至今天。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

In 1078 AD, there were already records on Wudun Town and Qingdun Town in historical records. The name of Emperor Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty was Zhao Dun.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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乌镇的古典园林很有特色,其中最有名的是梅家荷花园。园内种有大量的荷花和桂花树,盛开时,其美景令人叹为观止。漫步在园中,越玩越入迷,仿佛世外桃源。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

The classical gardens in Wuzhen are very distinctive, with the most famous being the Meijiahe Garden. There are a large number of lotus and osmanthus trees planted in the park, and when in full bloom, its beautiful scenery is breathtaking.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

乌镇夜色迷人。夜幕降临时,园林、街道、小桥、流水和灯光碧绿交织,构成一幅绚丽多彩的图画。两岸的民居和庭院以灯光为媒介,舞动着古朴而丰富的色彩,仿佛腾空而起的村落,如远古神话般神秘而美妙。qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

The night in Wuzhen is charming. When night falls, gardens, streets, small bridges, flowing water, and green lights intertwine to create a colorful picture. The dwellings and courtyards on both sides of the strait use lighting as a medium...mysterious and beautiful like ancient myths.qyP新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站

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