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2019-05-11 16:12:46


江南古镇:甪直o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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甪直古镇隶属苏州市吴中区,位于苏州市东部,西距苏州城区18公里,东距上海58公里。甪直历来有“五湖之厅”“六泽之冲”之称。“五湖之厅”是指它南临澄湖、万千湖、西靠独墅湖、金鸡湖,北望阳澄湖。“六泽之冲”是说它有吴淞江、清小港、界浦、张陵港、东塘和大直港六条流道。甪直境内水流纵横,桥梁密布,贴水成街,人家枕河而眠,镇貌古朴,风情幽逸。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
甪直,地处苏州城东南25公里.北够吴淞江,南临临澄湖,西接苏新工业园区,东衔昆山,全镇面积75平方公里。神州水乡第一镇――甪直,这是原全国人大常委副委员长费孝通对江苏省苏州市甪直的高度评价和赞誉甪直作为神州水乡古镇的佼佼者,的确名不虚传,它具有2500年的文明历史。特别是她的古老文化,名胜古迹、古桥、古街、古民宅以及具有1300多年历史的古银杏树令人赞叹不已。 当人们来到甪直,很多人都会提出这样一个问题,那就是这个“甪直”究竟是怎么来的,这里为什么叫甪直据《甫里志》载:甪直原名为甫里,因镇西有“甫里塘”而得名。后因镇东有直港,通向六处,水流形有酷如“甪”字,故改名为“甪直”。又传古代独角神兽“甪端”巡察神州大地路径甪直,见这里是一块风水宝地,因此就长期落在甪直,故而甪直有史以来,没有战荒,没有旱涝灾害,人们年年丰衣足食。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
甪直与苏州古城同龄,是一座具有2500多年历史的古镇,悠久的历史孕育了古镇甪直丰富灿烂的文化,是首批中国历史文化名镇之一。水是古镇的灵魂。甪直地处太湖流域,是水分水析、水系水萦、水抱水环的泽国典型,素有“五湖之厅”、“六泽之冲”的美誉。甪直水秀,桥也美。在古镇区5。6公里长的河道上,历史上曾横架着形式多异的江南小桥72座半。有多孔的大石桥、独孔的小石桥。宽敞的拱形桥、狭窄的石板桥,双桥、姐妹桥、钥匙桥、半步桥等。可谓“绿浪东西南北水,红栏七十二半桥”。古镇依水而建,前街后河,人家枕河而眠。漫步古镇,领略小镇风光。观赏古桥驳岸,看看渔船人家,真是别有风韵,让人回味无穷。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
甪直古镇旅游资源丰富,历史文物众多,人文景观棋布。镇内的千年古刹——保圣寺建于公元503年,是全国首批重点文物保护单位,寺内出自唐代塑圣杨惠之先生毕业灵性的半堂泥塑罗汉更是国之瑰宝。“叶圣陶纪念馆”已成为江苏省爱国主义教育基地。除些之外,更有万盛米行、沈宅、水乡农具博物馆、萧芳芳演艺馆、王韬纪念馆、出土文物馆等一大批历史人文景观,让您在充分领略江南水乡风情的同时。更多的体味小镇深厚的历史文化内涵。甪直水乡服饰被誉为中华服饰文化的奇葩:梳髻髻头、扎包头巾、穿拼接衫、拼档裤、束据裾裙、着绣花鞋。曾经,这是甪直农村妇女劳动时的普通装束。如今,正成为诠释甪直水乡特色和水乡文化的重要符号,穿着这样的服饰走在古镇上。也成了一道别有风味的流动风景。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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Luzhi :o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
Luzhi Town in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Provinceo6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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江苏吴中甪直镇o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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The ancient town of Luzhi, in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the southeast of Suzhou City, and is 18 kilometers east of the Suzhou urban districts and 58 km west of Shanghai Municipality. The whole town covers an area of 72 square kilometers, while the ancient part of it covers an area of 1.04 sq.km. Outside the town there are scattered lakes, marshes, ponds and pools, earning it such names as “Puli Village on the bank of the Song River,” “the small patch of land surrounded by five lakes” (Chenghu, Wanqian, Jinji, Dushu and Yangcheng lakes),and “the convergence of six rivers” (Wusong, Qingshui, Nantang, Jiepu, Dongtang and Dazhi rivers). This town is well-preserved and typical among the ancient water towns south of the Yangtze River in the Lake Taihu Basin. In 2003, the town was named one of the first batch of Famous Historical and Cultural Towns of China by the Ministry of Housing and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
甪直古镇位于江苏省苏州市吴中区,地处苏州市东南部,西距苏州城区18公里,东距上海58公里,全镇总面积72平方公里,古镇区域面积1.04平方公里。镇外湖、荡、潭、池星罗棋布,素有“淞江甫里村”、“五湖之汀”(澄湖、万千湖、金鸡湖、独墅湖、阳澄湖)、“六泽之冲”(吴淞江、清水江、南塘江、界浦江、东塘江、大直江)之称。此镇是太湖流域保存完好的典型的江南水乡古镇。2003年,古镇被住建部与国家文物局公布为第一批“中国历史文化名镇”。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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Baosheng Temple arhat statueso6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
保圣寺罗汉塑像o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
Wujun Commandery is said to possess the greatest number of literary records in the nation, and Puli Town is one of Wujun Commandery’s richest repositories of literary records. Luzhi Town was settled by a lot of virtuous and famous people after Lu Guimeng of the Tang dynasty chose to live in seclusion here, becoming known by his pseudonym Master Puli and enjoying a reputation for elegance. As a result, Luzhi Town has a large quantity of cultural heritage sites, rivaling many famous prefectures and great cities.o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
“吴郡文献甲海内”,甫里文献在吴郡亦属佼佼者。以“风雅名节”著称的唐代甫里先生陆龟蒙在此隐居后,甪直名贤辈出,文物古迹之盛几可与名州大邑相媲美。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
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Hall of the Heavenly Kings, Baosheng Templeo6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
保圣寺天王殿o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
The ancient town of Luzhi has profound cultural heritage, an excellent ecological environment, and numerous cultural heritage sites and monuments. It preserves the unique regional culture and characteristics of traditional life. In particular, its architectural achievements and unique and outstanding urban planning have had a lasting influence. Its placement of streets alongside waterways, and its blending of dynamic and static, exemplify the “solidified music” described by Liang Sicheng.o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
甪直古镇文化底蕴深厚,生态环境极佳,古迹文物众多,保留着独特的地域文化现象和传统生活特征。特别是其独树一帜的古镇规划格局与建筑艺术,仍有持久的影响力。“水”与“街”相依,“动”与“静”交融,正如梁思成先生形容的“凝动的音乐”。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
It must be emphasized, however, that protection of the ancient town is an urgent task. There used to be eight famous scenes, the so-called Eight Scenes of Puli Town, including “the pond with ducks swimming in the breeze” [yazhao qingfeng 鸭沼清风], “the clear springs of Fenshu” [fenshu qingquan 分署清泉], “the freezing billows in the Wusong River” [Wusong xuelang 吴淞雪浪], “the ringing of the bell in Haizang Buddhist Temple” [Haizang zhongsheng 海藏钟声], “the pagoda in the sunset” [futu xizhao 浮图夕照], “the rainbow bridge and the floating moon in the river” [changhong yangyue 长虹漾月], “the abundant assemblage of fishermen, lotuses and lights at dusk” [yulian dengfu 渔莲灯阜] and “the market at daybreak on the Xihui River” [Xihui xiaoshi 西汇晓市]. However, only two scenes, “the pond with ducks swimming in the breeze” and “the rainbow bridge and the floating moon in the river,” remain, and these are only faintly visible. The statues of arhats have been properly protected thanks to the effort of Gu Jiegang. Although they were restored by the two famous sculptors Jiang Xiaojian and Hua Tianyou in 1929, one can still find in them the original appeal of ancient art.o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
但是,古镇的保护亦迫在眉睫。著名的甫里八景原有“鸭沼清风、分署清泉、吴淞雪浪、海藏钟声、浮图夕照、长虹漾月、渔莲灯阜、西汇晓市”,如今只有“鸭沼清风”和“长虹漾月”依稀可见。保圣寺罗汉壁塑则有赖于顾颉刚的呼吁方得到合理保护,虽经1929年著名雕塑家江小鹣、滑田友重新整修,但基本能体现古代艺术原本的韵味。o6m新江南网 | 江南第一门户网站
Translated by Jinghua Zhu, Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Architecture Design and Research, Hangzhou, China
